Cat.Fee Early bird (€)
Until 7/2/2024
Regular (€)
From 8/2/2024
3Bursary RFR-120-100
8Sponsor – complimentary00


For all given dates, the application of the given fee begins at 0:00 CET and ends at 23:59 CET. For example, the regular rates are applicable from 8/02/2024 at 0:00.

Fee categories 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8, the fee covers attendance to all lectures and practical sessions, coffee breaks, conference materials, and specially negotiated accommodation prices.

Fee category 5 the fee covers coffee breaks and specially negotiated accommodation prices.

Reduced registration fees are applicable for Ph.D. students, postdocs and retired academic scientists. Proof of eligibility will be required.

Bursary RFR (registration fee reduction) applies to students and postdocs up to the age of 35 (for those born after 7/04/1989) who apply for and receive the HTCC6 bursary.

Non-academic fees apply to employees of all companies and organizations outside universities and public research institutes that are not sponsors of HTCC6.

Complimentary registration is intended to lecturers, tutors, sponsor representatives with the sponsorship package in a total value exceeding € 800,00.