All registration and service fees will be refunded in accordance with the Cancellation and No-show policy (see below).

Cancellation and no-show policy

If payment was made with a credit card, the refund will be made to the credit card used to make the payment. If payment was made by bank transfer, the written request for a refund must include the bank account information to be used for the refund.

The following cancellation policy applies:

100% refund by January 1st, 2024 (deducted for an administrative fee of 30 €).

50% refund from January 2nd, 2024, to January 31st, 2024 (deducted for an administrative fee of 30 €).

Refunds will not be granted under any circumstances for cancellations received after January 31st, 2024 or for no-shows.

The cancellation and no-show policy quoted hereby applies only to payments made to the Croatian Association of Crystallographers. For the accommodation arrangements, the cancellation policy of your hotel applies. Cancellation requests must be made in writing to Cancellation will be processed as soon as possible, but no later than the scheduled HTCC6.