DECTRIS High-Performance Electron Counting Detectors
Our direct detection detectors use single-electron counting based on hybrid pixel technology where the best readout chip is matched with the most suitable sensor material to provide the optimized sensitivity (DQE) for every EM application. Dedicated in-pixel electronics allow for single electron counting even at very high count-rates, up to 10 million electrons/pixel/second.The sensor material can be adapted to the energy range of any EM application including SEM and TEM.
Micro Electron Diffraction
Size does matter after all! We are talking about the size of your crystals, of course. Are they too tiny? Our motto is “no small crystal left behind!” We have the right tool for you: the electron diffractometer. This is the winning combination of your standard TEM and our fast EIGER2 detector.
Taking advantage of the rotating stage of the transmission electron microscope, your sub-micron crystals can in fact provide you with high-resolution structural information using the continuous rotation electron diffraction method, introduced by Ute Kolb and colleagues more than a decade ago [ref 1]. While the methodology is not new, our fast EIGER2 X 1M detector will provide unprecedented data quality and super-fast readout for high-throughput shutterless data collection. We streamlined the small-molecule electron crystallography workflow to bring you outstanding results in less than four hours! [ref 2]
Our EIGER2 X comes in a number of formats that can be mounted on-axis onto a range of TEM configurations thanks to its vacuum flange adapter. We offer a choice of detector sizes ranging from a Quad up to a 1M.
You will increase your productivity with the staggering 2 kHz readout speed and achieve an unmatched dynamic range for your electron diffraction experiments, without compromise. No beam stop is necessary, and if you’re worried about damaging the detector with an intense 300 kV beam, we can deliver our detector with a thick Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) sensor. All our detectors are radiation-hard and worry-free by design.
What are you waiting for? Ask our experts about the EIGER2 X product family to find the best solution for small-molecule electron crystallography.
1. U. Kolb, T.E. Gorelik, et al. (2007) Ultramicroscopy 7, 507–513.
2. Tim Gruene et al. (2018) Angew. Chemie Int. Ed. 57, 16313-16317.