Workshop structure
Scientific programme of the HTCC4 – Structural biology is organized over four full working days, each of which is dedicated to one Hot Topic (HT1 – XFEL, HT2 – CryoEM, HT3 – NMR and HT4 – Biomolecular simulations) and structured according to the following scheme:
- 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM: SLOT 1, Theoretical background [2 x (45′ lecture + 10′ discussion) + 10′ leg-stretching break]
- 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM: SLOT 2, Examples, applications, case studies
- 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM: SLOT 3, Interactive session
- 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM: SLOT 4, Participants’ discussion triggering presentations [3 x (15′ presentation + 10′ discussion + 5′ leg-stretching break)]
It is our intention to demonstrate, by carefully chosen case studies and examples of uses of these advanced methods (SLOT 2, vide supra), their mutual complementarity and advantages of the multidisciplinary approach in contemporary life sciences research. The scheme below is presenting this aspect of the HTCC4 scientific programme structure.
Links below lead to the abstracts of particular activities within each hot topic. Extended abstracts of all lectures will be available within the downloadable Programme book, at latest on Sep. 15th, 2019.
Hot Topic 1: Structure determination using X-ray FELs
Prof. Henry Chapman, confirmed
Dr. Saša Bajt, confirmed
Dr. Thomas White, confirmed
Hot Topic 2: Cryo-electron microscopy
Prof. Jürgen Plitzko, confirmed
Prof. Carrie Bernecky, confirmed
Hot Topic 3: Protein structure determination by NMR
Prof. Oliver Zerbe, confirmed
Hot Topic 4: Biomolecular simulation
Prof. Franca Fraternali, confirmed
Prof. Chris Oostenbrink, confirmed
Off Topic: Molecular visualization: scientific art and artistic science
Dr. Zoran Štefanić, confirmed