Best in show

HTCC5 partners and Croatian Association of Crystallographers prepare many attractive awards for the most intriguing, best presented, scientifically sound posters and presentations. Keep an eye on this page for the latest updates, check your eligibility for each of the best poster/presentation awards, apply and hope for the best. The scientific jury will carefully examine all applications and posters and give a verdict in each category. The winners shall be announced at the closing ceremony.


DECTRIS Best in Show Award

AWARDED: Best talk and best poster presentation.

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all. However, preference is given to work performed at synchrotron sources.

AWARD VALUE: Monetary, 100 € for the best poster and 100 € for the best oral presentation


BEST POSTER: Very simple and straightforward. To take part in the race for a best poster, just take a highlight red sticker when you register for HTCC5 at the registration desk and stick it in the upper right corner of your poster.

BEST ORAL PRESENTATION: For the best oral presentation, you do not need to do anything. All accepted presentations are already included to the race for the best among them. Try to make your presentation unique, intriguing, discussion-triggering, visually attractive and neatly presented. We will listen and watch very carefully all presentations, and do our absolutely best to give the prize to the author of the truly best presentation.