Croatian Association of Crystallographers (CAC) is a professional association and a non-profit organization, established on August 24th, 2012 with the objectives of promoting excellence, collaboration, and career development within the Croatian crystallographic community and promoting Croatia as the regional stronghold of crystallography. These objectives are being accomplished by organizing international workshops, conferences, and other scientific meetings, helping and promoting the international collaboration of scientists, visits abroad, life-long education of its members, and funding the research activities. 29th European Crystallographic Meeting (Rovinj, Croatia, 2015) with over 1000 participants, 3rd European Crystallography School (Bol, Croatia, 2016), 17th European Powder diffraction meeting (Šibenik, Croatia, 2022), and the series of HTCC workshops make up our conference portfolio.
CAC has two types of membership – regular (26 members) and honorary (four members). All regular members are automatically members of the Assembly, which is the supreme governing body of the Association. The elected president of the Association is dr. Aleksandar Višnjevac, and vice-president, prof. dr. Ana Šantić.